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Identity Verification Insights From Gartner®Research

Identity verification insights

Robust identity verification can shield organizations from fraud, build trust and fortify regulatory compliance.

But it can be difficult to sift through the vast verification market to find the right vendor for specific business needs.

That’s why Trulioo recommends the 2024 Gartner “Buyer’s Guide for Identity Verification.” The research adds clarity to the selection process by exploring the details of identity document verification and providing questions identity and access management (IAM) leaders can ask potential partners.

“IAM leaders should seek detail on how effective each step of the identity verification is, be confident in knowing how their users’ PII is handled, investigate value-added services, and create an effective RFP,” according to the research. “The outcome will be making the right choice of identity verification solution for their business that reduces investment risk, enhances user experience and delivers on requirements.”

The Five Steps of Identity Document Verification

Gartner recommends evaluating potential partners based on the five steps of identity document verification.

Document Image Capture

The first step is capturing an image of an identity document.

“A useful metric to obtain from a vendor regarding this stage is the percentage of users who are required to capture a second image,” according to the Gartner research. “A lower figure demonstrates that the vendor has designed their UX and capture process to capture a better image on the first attempt.”

Document Assessment

The vendor then assesses the document image to determine its authenticity.

“Ask vendors whether they manage document assessment themselves or whether they use a third-party solution to deliver all or part of that service,” according to Gartner. “If the vendors manage the function themselves, compare how much they invest in the process.”

Document Data Extraction

Automatic document data extraction through optical character recognition can help organizations avoid verification errors that can be caused by manually recording information.

“As with document assessment,” according to Gartner, “you should present vendors with your expected mix of document types to ensure full support.”

Selfie Image Capture With Liveness Detection

Selfie capture and liveness detection are standard elements in identity document verification.

“As part of the selfie capture, vendors must perform liveness detection to assess the genuine presence of the user,” according to Gartner. “This has become an increasingly important topic given that the accessibility of tools enables attackers to leverage generative AI to create deepfake images and videos of faces.”

Face Comparison

The final step involves comparing the selfie to the image on the document to ensure they match.

“Request data from vendors regarding their false match rates and false nonmatch rates for face comparison processes,” according to Gartner. “In addition, require vendors to provide insights into demographic bias when face comparison is performed.”

Gain PII Clarity

Verification partners handle personally identifiable information, including biometrics.

“It is imperative for IAM leaders to unambiguously understand how vendors are handling their users’ personal data, in this case, PII from the user’s identity document in addition to the selfie image and associated biometric template,” according to Gartner.

“There are several key aspects to this by which vendors can be compared, depending upon requirements.”

An Identity Verification RFP

The report includes an “RFP Questionnaire Template for Identity Verification” to help organizations ask more detailed questions about each step of the verification process.

Those questions can position organizations to find an identity verification partner that meets their requirements for risk management, security and user experience.

Identity verification insights

Industry Report

Gartner® ‘Buyer’s Guide for Identity Verification’

Explore the five steps of identity document verification and learn critical questions to evaluate potential partners.

Gartner, Buyer’s Guide for Identity Verification, Akif Khan, James Hoover, 27 June 2024.
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